Monday, February 24, 2020

Reflection & Reaction Activity 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reflection & Reaction Activity 1 - Essay Example It is also true according to chapter three that women are getting more empowered. Many of them are going to white collar jobs other than taking care of the family and doing house chore duties as the case is initially. The most catching trend for me has many women take up careers and thus have minimal time to spend with the family as is the case initially especially in the 1970’s. As a result, these women are deemed to be breadwinners for their families and require support in handling house-chore duties and taking care of the children (YouTube, 2015). Their husbands have to offer a helping hand whereas others need an external third party to take up such duties. The attitude is also shifting to accommodate such women in the society and significantly implying that they are also good mothers and their relationship with their children is less the same as that enjoyed by a non-career woman. There are diverse factors leading to changes roles especially in America. First, there is a lot of empowerment for the girl child thus giving them an opportunity to be in a competitive position. The government has also provided a lot of grants in the form of loans to support such activities (Madichie, 2013). The following has resulted in many women being convinced that they can contribute to the income of their families something they have done well. For instance, as at 2008, 45% of the income the family received was from the women. Further, the workforce has reduced as stipulated in the companies and many institutions requiring gender balance. When comparing 2001 and 1997, there has been a greater revolution of the workforce according to a study that took place across the nation. Also, there has been a reduction in the amount earned by the man thus as at 2008, the gap between the spouses hit ten percent among individual couples. That

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Medications errros Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Medications errros - Essay Example Available literature about medical errors states that emergency department often faces the challenge of medical errors. The intensity of the work conducted in the emergency department is one of the factors that may lead to medical errors. Emergency department is prone to medical errors because of the involvement of the individual medical practitioners . The influx pattern in the emergency department is another factor that influences the number or errors committed in this department. Some arguments about medical errors committed in the emergency department attest to the fact that medical professionals attending to patients on the emergency department often feel bored because of the inconsistent number of patients that the department receives. According to renowned scholar Norman, human beings always err (Schenkel, 2000). Thus, by considering this fact in mind, the medical professionals should be extra vigilant when handling patients. Medical errors such as wrong prescriptions are avoidable if the medical professional pays more attention to the patients. Other errors include over dosage, application of wrong procedures when handling a casualty, excessive and x-ray penetrations among others. First, is to understand the source of the error and develop means of avoiding the causes of errors. Second, create a possibility to undo actions. Third, create an environment, which may lead to tracing of the errors. Fourth, change the trends about errors (Schenkel, 2000). Critics argue that training is essential in eliminating some of the errors committed by medical professionals. Written report, for instance is important when handling a patients. Doctors or nurses may use the written document to identify the requirement of the patient. Personal responsibility is essential in defining the number of errors committed. By exercising care when handling a patient, errors arising from negligence would be avoidable. The safety of the patients is very essential. When